I want to keep a record of how my training is going and how I feel so that I can look back and see where I came from to get to where I am. I hope that when I start to get fit, it may be helpful for others in my starting position to see it can be done.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Tuesday 23rd of November 2010
Last week I did a 23k run, a 15k run some interval work and then a 28k run. This week so far I have managed to do a 17k run but I think thats going to be it for a few days.
I am trying hard to work on the "easy" running. I think this is where my injury has come from as I was focusing on "slow" rather than "easy" and I think I must have been running odd. Ill try again later in the week to throw in a 30k but easy rather than slow.
Now MTBing to work again so that will help to keep the cycling going for a little while. Ill get focused on the IM again after Feb.
going to go do some reading about ultra marathons! fun stuff
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Wednesday 17th of November 2010 - 50 miler coming up!!
Anyway, better go for a run
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Wednesday 10th of November 2010
Monday - Run 10k of intervals
Tuesday - Spin for 1 hour or turbo trainer for an hour
Wednesday - 20 to 25k run
Thursday - 1 hour hard spin
Friday - 2 hours turbo trainer (this is my plan anyway!)
Saturday - 16k run as fast as I can.
Sunday - nothing!
My aim is to keep this up for a few weeks and work on what I am eating too to keep myself getting in better shape!
Then I plan to add 2 swims a week into this. When the weather warms up I will swap a spin for a long bike ride with some intervals.
I am signed in for Challenge UK so that is what I am now focusing on and I really really would love to go close to 10 hours! 9:59:59 would be fine.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Thursday 7th of October 2010
My plan is to get the turbo trainer set up somewhere and start to hit that a bit more or add some extra spinning. I know I am not doing nearly enough at the moment but I plan to ramp it up slowly. Its been quite hard with all the travelling to get the time to train but Im starting to find ways.
Must cycle!!!!
Monday, 27 September 2010
Monday 27th of September 2010
Back soon, just need to do some work inbetween organising my athletic future ;)
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Sunday the 5th of September 2010
Will post pics when they come out.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Wednesday 25th of August 2010
This morning I did my first run after the IM race. I did a 22k run with two guys from work, it wasn't really the nice n easy run we had all discussed! we did it in 1 hour 37 minutes which for me was pretty quick. I could feel my legs get weak at towards the end but apart from that I felt strong.
Next step will be a bike ride back in the UK, maybe a swim and then the HIM on Sep 4th!
bring it on...by gently please :)
Friday, 20 August 2010
Friday 20th of August 2010
Finishing my first ironaman race has left a gap in my life which so far has been filled with having a few beers, talking A LOT about race day with everyone I know and planning my move back to the UK. I have a half IM race coming up on Sep 4th so I need to get back into some kind of physical training. Today I rode my bike to work and it felt great to get out and do something! my legs felt fine, I rode fast the whole way and I feel like it helped to shed the kind of self pitying feeling I had developed. I had planned to do a short run today but I dont think I will. I may go tomorrow for a 10k just to get the legs going again.
Its odd but I dont think its sunk in yet that I did actually finish. I have moments when I think to my self 'god, I actually have done an ironman race'. I feel good but I think its still going to take some time.
I am now starting to think of whats next, I am pretty sure I will do another Ironman race and I know now that my goal will be to do that near to the 10 hour mark. I know where I need to improve and I think I know how so I guess Ill just get started doing that :)
This is what a stupidly happy me looks like by the way:
Im planning to keep my blog going as I still enjoy looking back at the last year or so. I am still on the journey as far as I am concerned!
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Tuesday 17th of August 2010 - Did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I raised £1450 for Help4Heroes at the same time which is an added bonus.
The night before was a small nightmare as my house got flooded with sewage due to the massive amount of rain Copenhagen had! I was up all night so it wasnt ideal.
The swim was great! It was what I was most worried about. I made a last minute decision to start at the front of my group and just put the hammer down and try to get clear water. It worked, I was well ahead of most of the pack and ended up catching many of the groups ahead of us. My swim was 1 hour and 2 minutes! that was 18 minutes faster than my goal. T1 was ok, bit low of details as I dont really remembr it. My bike was in a submerged field so I kep my shoes off until I was at the start line. Bike went well, no punctures and I finished it in 5 hours 25 minutes! again half an hour ahead of my target so again very very pleased, BUT, I knew I had gone too quick and my legs were tired - great just a marathon to go!
T2 was ok, didnt take too long and I was in no rush to start the run anyway!
First step of the marathon was painful and it pretty much went like that the whole way! I had to walk through drink stations and I had to walk a few other times too. Lap 2 was my low point. I never thought I wouldnt make it but I thought I may end up walking most of it! I really did hit a few low points and seeing family and mates along the way was a massive boost. Lap 3 was really hard but I knew I was only 14k to my target so I managed to run/jog again. It was an odd style I developed as my stomach was a mess. My legs were not the problem it was my stomach.
Anyway, I could have burst into tears many times on the run and when I crossed the line I felt a little numb. I was soooo soo tired. Quick shower and off home. Its only today started to sink in that I have done it!
I will do a better race report and put pictures up. I just want to say thanks too all who have supported me and helped with advice etc.
Next stop is the Vitruvien in the Uk on Sep 4th!! bring it on.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Sunday 15th of august 2010!!!!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Wednesday 11th of August 2010
Up early this morning, slightly misty head. Lunchtime swim at the lagoon in quite windy conditions, oh and it was raining! The good news though was that there were 0 jellyfish and I did it in 1 hour 5 minutes! woo hooo thats a PB by 10 minutes! No idea what went on but just went quick. Roll on race day! feels real now and I feel like I am ready!! in 4 days I WILL cross that line!!!
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Tuesday 10th of August 2010
This morning I woke up quite early and went for a 50k ride. I just had to go out and do something! now my legs feel a little used again and I can tell you its a good feeling! anyway I guess it goes against the gods of tapering but hey they have allowed it to be windy on Sunday so what the hell ;)
Tomorrow eve I will swim the course again. Thursday I may go for a very very short run. We will see.
Nearly there now! cant wait to get on with it
Monday, 9 August 2010
Monday 9th of August 2010
Just a few days now until our friends come over who are also racing (well, he will be racing and I will be taking part!). Seems to be on my mind a lot at the moment and its lead to some quite odd dreams! Last night someone stole my bike wheels!
In case anyone reading this is interested you can you follow progress at this site:
Anyway, have a good few days and ill let you know how I cope with this tapering stuff!
Friday, 6 August 2010
Friday 6th of August 2010
Heres so a few days of rest!
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Thursday 5th of August 2010
This afternoon I'll do a 65k burn on my bike with two guys from work. Going to just see how it feels and try to control my self. Then its rest tomorrow (maybe a swim in the pool), rest Saturday, small ride Sunday etc etc.
Weather is still very changable so will just keep an eye on that, even though there is nothing I can do about it!
Actually want to crack on with this now....I know I am just going to get more and more nervous from now on! I already get the wobblies when I think about it!
Swim, Cycle, Run - cant be that hard can it :)
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Wednesday 4th of August 2010
Today I did a 22k run at 4:30 ish pace. Running feels good still so that good. My left foot is still sore but I will now not run for 3 days to give it a good rest. I think it will be fine.
Tomorrow I will either swim or ride my bike, you never know I may do both but I doubt it. I am leaning towards swimming right now.
This whole tapering thing doesnt seem quite right so I will just keep doing what I do and just try not to push myself at all. Appart from my foot today I know that I didnt push myself on the run.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Monday 2nd of August 2010
I did a 90k ride on Sunday at a very good pace and pushed very hard to stay out in front of the group as much as possible. Today Ill do a 60k ride home and try to push that too.
Tomorrow swim I hope.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Friday 30th of July 2010
Feeling good an yep I think I may just be ready for this! This may sound odd but I am now starting to try to focus on my mental preparation and trying to work on blocking the pain and using my mind to get me through this. I have read so much about these extreme athletes who do the most amazing things and they all say its in the mind - you have to get your mind somewhere good and you can make it. I am now looking for somewhere good to put my mind so if you have any ideas please tell me!!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Thursday 29th of July 2010
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Wednesday 28th of July 2010
This morning I was up early and I did an 85k ride at 32kph avg so again quite pleased. I felt sluggish in parts but then it went away and I felt great again....odd. I guess I need to start that taper stuff quite soon but I am finding it quite hard to stop. I guess I want to drag every drop of improvements I can out of the bag before I accept that this is it and I have to go with what I have. Anyway, choive is running out so in a few days I will taper.
Really cant wait to get on with it now and then start thinking about the goal for 2011 will be.....under 3 hour marathon? under 20 minute 5k? or another Ironman?? well, before jumping the gun I guess I better finish this one first!!
Monday, 26 July 2010
Monday 26th of July 2010
This morning I tried out the running again and it didnt go well to start with which was starting to really piss me off so decided to just crack on and take short strides, well it worked and after a few kms I was fine and had a great run! cool... and phew!!
Tomorrow I intend to do a short ride of 60k to work and then do an open water swim in the afternoon. Wednesday a short run or maybe 21k. After that I will start my taper and do less kms on my feet as they need a little rest before race day.
I got a puncture on Sunday and I am soooo glad I changed wheels as it was very easy to change thet tube! :)
I wanted to tell anyone reading this that some guys I know are doing this:
A family friend of mine called Perie did Ironman Switzerland yesterday in 12:40 ish so a big big well done to her too! amazing stuff.
Friday, 23 July 2010
Friday 23rd of July 2010
This morning was not so great. Was at about 3k into my 24k run when I started to get a sharp pain behind my left knee! its the first realy problem I have had running for many many months and the timing is pretty crap really. Anyway it took some effort but I decided to stop and walked back just to make sure I didnt do any damage. Now I will not run for 2 days and I really really hope that helps! Im going to rest my legs until Sunday now and then do 160 bike. Monday I will try the 24k again and see what happens. I feel in really good shape and feel like I could run or cycle all day so its really annoying that I get stopped by a stupid inury. Only a few weeks to go so I am on damage limitation now!
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Tuesday 20th of July 2010
This is where we were on the weekend. As you can see my kids treat me with the utmost repect! Also check out the silly suntan lines from cycling!
Monday, 19 July 2010
Monday 19th of July 2010
Saturday I left the house at 6:30 and cycled 130k to Møn. All went well except for the last 200 meters when I got a shooting pain in my right leg (butt cheek - no other way to say it). Not great. Anyway it seemed to go. Yesterday I cycled back and I could feel a slight something there still so I didnt use the tri bars the whole way! just to make it better I had a full on 18kph headwind for the first 50k! nice. Anyway I got back and managed an avg of 32kph so quite happy. I planned to swin today but I am tempted to just rest as I really want to make sure I dont start picking up injuries. I may go and just see how it goes..cant decide yet.
I feel pretty well prepared now for August 15th. My running is the strongest it has ever been and my cycling is getting better. The swim is something I guess I will just have to get through :)
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Thursday 15th of July 2010
Tuesday I had hoped to swim in the lagoon but my swim buddy couldnt make it and I didnt want to do it alone just in case something went wrong in the water (cramps etc). Went to the pool and swam solid for 1 hour instead. Was ok but really quite dull!
Yesterday we set off at 6:30am and ran 30k. We kept a fast pace and the run really went very well. I think I will drop the distance to 28 next week and then down again the week after as I dont want to risk an injury. My running is better than ever so I feel good going in to the race as far as that goes.
Today I am going to Noma (voted the worlds best resteraunt a few months ago) so no training at all today except my cycle to work and back. Tomorrow I plan to swim and run 10k. Saturday we are going to a place called Mon which is a small Island you can get to by road. Its 135k and I will ride there while the family drive, Sunday I will ride back!
1 month to go now exactly!
Monday, 12 July 2010
Monday 12th of July 2010
Due to the heat I decided to head out early on Sunday for 1 lap on the bike on my own and then the 2nd lap with a local tri club. Left the house at 5:30am and had a good smooth lap. Was taking it quite easy as I knew I would have a harder 2nd lap. My avg must have been around 32kph but due to a very slow last 10 (just rolling really) my garmin avg was low. I should have taken a little extra energy drink with me but I drank enough on lap 1 but it left me a little short for lap2 which meant just having water with some iso gels to keep me going. Learning about nutrition now everytime I go out on a long ride. Anyway, met the tri club and had a fantastic 80k with them! we set off at 40+kph and I sat behind two guys for the first 10k, one started to fall back so I went past and sat at the front with the other guys, amazingly still doing around 40kph. We did this for around 30k and then we went left into the inner part of the loop. Things move around here more but we kept it around 35 to 40kph and I stayed mostly on the front. I did drop back a few times to get a rest but all in all I worked very hard and really had a great ride. I did 160k in 4 hours 45 so I was pretty chuffed with that.
Today I plan to run a decent 10k but its v hot so it could be tough.
1 month to go !!!!!
Friday, 9 July 2010
Friday 9th of July 2010
Last night my new Newton Gravity shoes arrived and I wore this morning for my 28k run! not genious I know but I decided it was make or break! Anyway, I had the best run of my life! I did 28k and I know I could have done a marathon in 3:30 today without being destroyed at the end. My legs still feel great. My calf muscles are a little tender but I guess thats due to the new shoes. Its great for me as its so close now and this kind of training is just what I need to build fitness and confidence. My training buddy did Nice Ironman 2 weeks ago and has been an inspiration to me and a great source of advice.
Tomorrow is my rest day so ill play with the kids and relax as much as I can. Sunday is a beast of a bike session! early start and 170k!
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Thursday 8th of July 2010
This evening on the way home I will go for a swim. Then tomorrow morning we will do a run of around 28k.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Wednesday 7th of July 2010
This morning I was up early and did a loop. It was windy even though it didnt look like it was, dont know if that makes sense but I am sure it was windy!
When I got to work I went for a 5k run off the bike and it was amazing! I ran 5 k faster than ever. No idea why but it just felt good. Oh well, guess my legs were warm after 90k of cycling.
Tomorrow will be a swim day and then Friday will be a big run day. Sunday will be a big bike day. I may well do a 40k bike ride tomorrow just to push things a little.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Monday 5th of July 2010
I did another open water swim while I was away and I think it was around 4k so I was pretty happy with that. The training on holiday didnt go to plan but I guess thats the way it goes. It was nice to spend some time with the kids and wife anyway so at least there was a silver lining. Now I am 100% focused on building up the training for 4 weeks. I started Saturday with a 10k run, yesterday was the big bike ride and today I did another 10k run. I will cycle to work and back every day. Tomorrow I plan to swim for an hour. Wednesday I will do a 100k ride with a 5k run right after. Thursday I will swim and do a 60k ride. Friday I will do a 28k run. My weekly total on Saturday should be 320k bike, 48k run and 2 hours swimming. The next week I will add 10% and so on until I peak in 4 weeks time. Then a weeks rest (with only short bikes and runs but still swimming more) then its race day!
Some training snaps ;)
Just like my Daddy

Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Tuesday 29th of June 2010
Quick summary:
21 June did 10 k run
22 jun did 20 k run
23 June did 60k bike
24 June did 100k bike
27 June dud 10 k run
28 June did 130 k bike and 10 k run
I also did an open water swim but haven't been able to get back yet.
I plan to do a big run later in the week and a ride of 150 or 180k depending on weather and time.
When I get back I am going to step it up. Rides here have been tough as it's all in the hills and it's hard on the legs!
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Friday, 18 June 2010
Friday 18th of June 2010
I think tomorrow will basically be a rest day as I have to travel most of the day to France. Sunday I may rest but if I feel better I will blast a 100k bike ride. We will see.
I was feeling a little down about it yesterday but I guess I cant expect my body to just get stronger and stronger and I think its time for a few easier days. then when its recovered and I have fooled it I will hammer it with 4 weeks very intence training. then 2 weeks of veruy chilled out living and then race day!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Wednesday 16th of June 2010
This morning the lasyness went! I was up at 5am, on the road at 5:30 and I did 100k and was at my desk by 9am! Its a beautiful day here, 20c and almost no wind. I found the cycle quite hard but it went ok.
At 2pm today I will run 10k. Dont care about going fast so it will just be nice n easy.
This eve I may do a slightly longer ride home but then again Ill wait to see how my legs feel after the run!
Tomorrow I have no idea about yet but I guess a 60k bike and maybe a swim at some point.
EDIT: I just wanted to add that I have no raised just over £1100 for Help The Heroes! (http://www.justgiving.com/challengecopenhagen)
Thanks very much to everyone who has donated so far! If you know anyone who may feel the need please pass on the link, its a great cause.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Sunday 13th of June 2010
Saturday I was up very early and was up at the lake at 7am for an open water swim. It was very very windy so we only did half an hour. I managed to get my sighting right and I felt like I had a really good swim. Then out of the water and onto the bikes with a training buddy and his two mates both of who are multi Ironman finishers. We did 3 and a half hours in terrible windy conditions. I think we did 115k. Then off the bike and running for an hour. This was a very tough training session but I think it was very good. It was basically a half Ironman as a practice.
Today I have managed to take the kids to the local pool, come home and fall asleep for a couple of hours.
Totally wiped. Tomorrow will be the normal 24k run.
Have a good one
Friday, 11 June 2010
Thursday 11th of June 2010
Plan to maybe do a quick 10k this eve and then tomorrow I plan to do a monster session of 1 hour swim, 3 hour bike and 1 hour run. One after the other.
will update tomorrow!
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday 10th of June 2010
Went home and got my bike and then this afternoon I plan to do 60k on the bike.
Tomorrow short run.
The weather is pants so I will probably spend most of this afternoon fixing punctures on the side of the road! wish me luck.
Have a good one
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Tuesday 9th of June 2010
Monday it was raining so rather than do the 24k run we did 10 but at full speed. Was a great run and I felt good.
Tuesday I got up early for a ride. Did 35-40k fast then got a flat, it took me ages to change it and then 200 meters more bam, another flat so end of game and I called a cab home! I have had enough of my tubular tyres and am going to get normal wheels. enough is enough.
This morning I was up early an we did the 24k fast. Not a PB but it was an avg of 4 minutes 30 sec so pretty quick (for me).
Tonight I may swim, we will see.
Here is a pic of me at the tri. I was in the hardest gear on my bike so had to use 100% power just to get moving! thats why it looks like I am falling over.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Sunday 6th of June 2010
I feel happy with my performance and I know I could take 5 minutes off the time by improving my swim and not waisting energy on nerves.
It's over 21 degrees here today, beautiful day for it.
Have a good one
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Friday, 4 June 2010
Friday 4th of June 2010
have a good one.
PS summer has arrived! my son and daughter can prove it!
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Tuesday 1st of June 2010
Will go for 3k swim this eve..I hope its 3k anyway but we will see.
Tomorrow the plan is to do 10k run.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Monday 31st of May 2010
Saturday I went for a 100k bike ride, Did it in 3 hours so I pushed quite hard. I am going to focus on my bike and see if I can get my avg to 35kph and then start to do some regular longer rides of over 100k.
Sunday the weather was panst so I didnt do anything...which I must admit was quite nice!
This morning I was up early and I ran the normal Monday morning 24k. Didnt feel too bad but a little slower than normal due to marathon a week ago.
I have also enetered my first ever triathlon for Sunday morning! Its a sprint tri (750 swim, 23k ride and 5k run). I just thought that as it was close to home and easy to enter I would have a go just to get some practice!
Friday, 28 May 2010
Friday 28th of May 2010
I had planned to swim this morningbut I was too tired and I was going to go this eve but still tired. I need to do a big bike ride this weekend but the weather is looking quite bad so I will have to try to time it right! damn that rain...I dont mind the getting wet its just the punctures!
We will see.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Wednesday 26th of May 2010
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Tuesday 25th of May 2010
Shoes were perfect. I wore a singlet for the first time in my life and appart from feeling a little naked it was great. Wore compression tights which didnt make me too hot - I have no idea if they did anything except make me look silly but they didnt do any harm!
My garmin watch worked well ish for pace and time but the HR monitor side didnt work again so was a little pissed off with that. It turns out that the watch is not what i expected and I am very unsatisfied with it to be honest. Ill keep it for my IM anyway as I like to see the pace and speed but I dont think I will even bother with theHR strap.
Plan to do a slow 10 or 5k run this week and a 60k ride at some point but Ill see how it goes.
Got to focus 100% on the IM now as I still have a lot to do on that! I think my training now is all going to be longer and slower.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Sunday 23rd of May 2010
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Thursday, 20 May 2010
Thursday 20th of May 2010
Will cycle home, may swim tomorrow but my legs are now on holiday until Sunday..yipeee
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Wednesday 19th of May 2010
Tomorrow I plan to do a very gentle 5k run just to losten the legs up and then Friday and Saturday almost nothing. Sunday will be the marathon.
Monday, 17 May 2010
Monday 17th of May 2010
Sunday did 85k bike ride with a local tri group on the race course. Road surface is pretty bad but it looks like the local councils are going to do something about that by the end of May! Weather was pants and I flatted!! took me ages to change it but was great practice in case it happens on race day. To anyone coming to Challenge Copenhagen, bring lots of spares with you! if you are on Tubs please bring 2! if using inner tubes bring a few of those too. I had a hard start and felt that I was going to have a nightmare but then once I got up to the front and onto the bars I settled into a good fast pace for 20 or 30k which was great. Everyone was pushing harder yesterday so I felt that we had a fast ride. Some 10k splits were up at the 40kph mark which to me is quick.
This morning I did the 24k run again, was going to take it nice n easy but instead we started off at 4:30 per k pace and finished with a PB again! nice but now my legs are tired!
Not sure how this week will pan out but I intend to some kind of cycling even if its spinning and another couple of small runs, maybe even get a swim in at some point :)
Have a good one.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Wednesday 12th of May 2010
Just for a change in sport I am going to go canoeing this evening! great, Ill be getting wet from above with the rain and all around me with the sea! doh how do I get myself into these situations!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Tuesday 11th of May 2010
I have been following a few blogs and reading a lot of posts on forums like slowtwich.com. Its amazing how many people are into this kind of thing and the lengths they will go to. Its inspiring stuff. I think we can do so much more with what we have been given than we think we can. The trick I guess is to find out how to unlock that potential - I think its to enjoy what your doing. If you can enjoy the results of training and the buzz from beeting your PB then you can easily cope with the pain and hard work. Right before I fall off my pedestal ill go! ;)
Monday, 10 May 2010
Monday 10th of May 2010
I have been taking it easy last week but I am going to try to ramp up the hours a little again now - going to be tough with the marathon coming up in one more weekend as I would also like to do well in that!!
have a gereat day!
PS here is what I looked like on day 6 of the training week!
notice the wrapped left wrist due to using a tri bike to climb 12k in 1 week and decent 12k!!!
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Thursday 6th of May 2010
Am going to try to get out on the bike (which arrived back yesterday from Mallorca safe and sound) maybe tomorrow morning for a 60k ride to work.
So far I think I am starting to recóver from my weeks cycling. I feel like if I had dropped 10 sec a Km from my pace I could have kept it going for maybe the full marathon...we will see on the day I guess.
A mate of mine did a marathon in Stratfor the other day in 2 hours 50!!! how the hell does anyone do that!!!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Tuesday 4th of May 2010
Suns out, a little breeze so all in all very nice :)
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday 3rd of May 2010
This was the view from hotel room and the place I did my two open water swims:
One of the hills we did, does no justice!
My two cycling mates from Denmark just after this climb:
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Friday 30th of April 2010
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Thursday 29th of April 2010
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Tuesday 27th of April 2010
Sent from my iPhone
Monday 27th of April 2010
It's very hot, very little wind... There are just lots of mountains!!
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Sunday 25th of April 2010
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Thursday 22nd of April 2010
I may do some spinning tomorrow but I am not sure. Otherwise my next workout will be Sunday in Mallorca! woo hoo.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Wednesday 21st of April 2010
The flight situation is looking much better and I feel slightly more hopeful of actually getting to Mallorca! but saying that all the volcano needs to do is cough and its all over again...nerve racking stuff.
I plan to do a 24k run in the morning at 4:30 pace.
Then I plan to pack my bike up, wash all my clothes and get ready for a week of beasting in the sunshine!
Monday, 19 April 2010
Monday 19th of April 2010
Today I am resting and I plan to ride tomorrow morning. I am supposed to fly to Mallorca on Saturday for a week of cycle training! what is with this ash cloud!!!!!! I cant believe my only chance to get away for such a decent training session could be killed by an exploding volcano! arrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Thursday 15th of April 2010
Wednesday morning I got up, cycled to work and did 1 hour of hard spinning. HR up around 160 and lots of standing and sprinting. Then in the afternoon I had a nice 56K ride home. Was a great ride and fast. Avg was up around 38kph for 2 10k sections and the overall was 33kph including all the stopping for lights etc. Had a roadie cyclist sticking behind me for 20k fo the ride which motivated me to keep the engine on full and keep the legs pushing as hard as I could. We were doing 45kph on the flat with a slight tail wind so it was really good.
This morning I was up early. Stole the car to get to work and ran a steady 24k with an avg of 4:40 per K. My legs hurt a lot but I felt quite strong. As my legs were far from rested I feel quite good about my running. Maybe I will go sub 3:30 after all in May when I do the Copenhagen marathon. That would be a real boost coming up to August.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Tuesday 13th of April 2010
Monday, 12 April 2010
Monday 12th of April 2010
Friday afternoon I did 24k with 2 guys from work. I felt terrible but we did an ok pace in the end. I think doing it in the afternoon after lunch was a bit of an issue but I guess its good practice. Saturday morning I went to a friends house in the north of the Island and did a 90k ride with home and 9 other guys. I wish the Ironman was draft legal! you can go so much quicker in a large group! I found it quite useful to learn a few of the tricks like not breaking into corners or people crash into the back of you!!
We averaged around 32kph and I did take the lead a few times so I am not in too bad a shape. I found that I struggle on the hills though so less pies for me!
Sunday I did nothing and it was bliss.
This morning I did a PB over the half marathon of 1 hour 33 and I did the 24k in 1 hour 45 so I was very pleased. Now my legs hurt....a lot. Will ride 50k home with gentle pace just to loosen the legs up a little.
Sat cycle ride:
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Thursday 8th of April 2010
Was quite windy out there too which made riding close quite tricky!

Today I am doing nothing. I can feel that my legs need a break. Tomorrow it will be 24k run, Saturday will be 70k bike with the same guy and a mate of his.
I will also put a swim in this weekend coming.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Wednesday 7th of April 2010
Cycled to work today and will be going for a good bike ride this afternoon with a guy from work who is a 1 time Ironman and very decent cyclist...quite nervous really. All my cycling has been on my own so I have no idea how I will find it...I will post and I will be honest! The great thing is that the sun is out and my bike looks super shiny :)
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Tuesday 6th of April 2010
Yesterday I did 80k on the bike and then 5k run as fast as I could. Today cycled to work and back and did a very good 10k run with an avg of 4:17 per km, this is a new PB for me! woo hoo.
Will go and have a swim this evening just to get back into it really.
I plan to cycle tomorrow to work and then a longer ride in the evening with a guy from work who is a very strong cyclist. Will be a good test for me.
I feel quite positive and feel that I am still making strong gains. Will post again later.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Thursday April 1st 2010
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Wednesday 31st of March 2010
Below is the rout. Should be quite nice as I get to ride along the coast and then over a couple of bridges (In Denmark they make big bridges!).
I think its going to take around 6 hours. If it goes ok I may ride back Saturday but we shall see about that!
Happy Easter
Monday, 29 March 2010
Monday 29th of March 2010
Still didn't feel great this morning but up I got, stole the car and drove to work (sorry Bex) and then ran 24k in 1 hour 50 minutes. Felt pretty terrible to start but finished strong so quite pleased.
This week we some days off (Thur, Friday and Monday) so we are off for a short family break - normally bad new for training but this time I am going to cycle there! 150k ride Thursday morning and maybe I will do the 150k back Sunday (I am not sure about riding back though).
Tomorrow I may swim and do a short blast on the bike (depending on weather). Wednesdaty some speed work (running).
Lets see how it goes.
Have a nice day!
Friday, 26 March 2010
Friday 26th of March 2010
Anyway, my bike ride yesterday left my legs feeling a little week but I was up at the crack of dawn this morning and cycled to work at slightly less uber speed. 3 of us started out for our 24k rout BUT Jesper (the Dane I run with) was feeling strong and we started off at 4:30 pace then picked that up to 4:15 pace! that is way way faster than usual. I managed to stick with him until around 18k. We lost Jan (the other Dane) as he was feeling not great. Jesper then went on ahead and I just kept plugging. Managed to beat my personal best for the half marathon by 1.5 minutes to bring it down to 1 hour 34(and some seconds)! I then had to drop the pace quite a lot for the last 3 k so in the end I did it in 1:48 which is around the 4:30 pace for an average! very very happy but now I am totally knackerd! my legs will need a really decent rest tomorrow!
Here is my 50k rout. As you can see I spend a good few k by the sea which is great. This is also part of the Ironman rout (just the other way!).
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Wednesday 24th of March 2010
A mate of mine here is part of a round table group and they had a guest speaker in (Jimmi Larsen I think was his name). The guy is a loon! He has won the Sahara race, done a 400k run, done 130 untra runs. Wants to do Marathons in under 2:30...Cycles 16 hours a week, run, does wiegths! Is a carpenter, mechanical engineer and studied medicine!! Oh and he is my age! how does someone fit that into their lives!
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Tuesday 23rd of March 2010

I will now really focus on the biking and try to build up some serious ks on the beast!
Monday, 22 March 2010
Monday 22nd orf March 2010
Also very pleased that I have so far managed to raise over £400 (inc tax benefit) for Help for Heroes charity! http://www.justgiving.com/challengecopenhagen only £2100 to go and I will reach my goal!
Edit - 13:00 22/03/2010
I dont know how else I can put this so: MY BIKE HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am however stuck at work so cant get home to make sure its really really shiny!!!
Friday, 19 March 2010
Friday 19th of March 2010
will run home tonight as my back wheel broke on my MTB again. New wheels have been purchased.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Thursday 18th of March 2010
Anyway....My daughter very kindly woke me up at 2am and decided that MY space in MY bed is where she wanted to sleep! So after a whimper and a very pathetic attempt at fatherly decipline I moved over and proceded not to sleep any more...So I got up 2 hours later than planned and did my cycle ride. Did 60k and had a good race near the end with an over keen commuter. Managed to track around 36kph and even up to 40 on some bits of flat road so I was quite smug about that.
Plan to do some run sprint work tomorrow and for the rest of today just chill. Will cycle home at 110% but thats just because I am sooooo bored with the rout to work and back!
I am still planning to get some photos in and will ask my training pals to take some shots next time we do some big runs or cycle rides.
Have a fun day!
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Wednesday 17th of March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Tuesday 16th of March 2010
The sun is out and I didnt get covered in ice running this morning so things are looking up!
One area of fitness that I am getting worse in is beer drinking fitness! a few pints and I was mashed. May just leave that area for a while and work on that post ironaman race!
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Thursday 11th of March 2010
Went for my 60k ride yesterday evening and I actually had a great ride. Managed to clock up some good speed on the flat sections with no wind at all. I think if I could find a nice flat loop with no damn traffic lights I could average over 32kph (just). By the end my legs were quite tired and it was getting dark and cold. The weather is still quite an annoying factor as its too cold to just wear a cycle top but its not cold enough for my warmer gear as I get very warm! Same with gloves, mine are warm enough (just) but after a while I get hot, then they get wet and then I get cold again!!!!!!! doh!
Anyway that was yesterday, today is, as it usually is, a brand new day. Slept really well and was woken by my alarm at 5:30. Its the first time its woken me in months so I guess I was tired. Anyway, I have the car today and so was at work by 6am and then by 6:30 am 3 of us were running our 24k rout. We ran at an average of 4:36min per k again (for 21k of it anyway) and we did the whole lot of 1 hour 50 minutes. My legs are now very tired and the muscles are ....lets just say well used! I had a few 'dark' moments today where I thought about how easy it would be to stop, I didn't though and was soon back into a lighter mood. I keep thinking of all the rediculous phrases I keep seeing on forums and blogs..here is one a read about a pro athlete from her coach:
"Chrissie wins because she trains really f'ing hard and races really f'ing hard and was blessed with a huge f'ing motor" Jordan Rapp
Its like this Jordan Person is related to Gordom Ramsey!
Also love this one:
"If you have a body, you are an athlete"..if only it was so easy.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Wednesday 10th of March 2010
Tuesday 9th of March 2010
Swam in the evening. My normal coach was sick so I took on the role for 3 other guys, all in all went very well and we all made some progress. Did an hour and a half of swimming.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Monday 8th of March 2010
Great start to the week and the weather was cold but appart from that perfect!
Sunday 7th of March 2010
Friday 5th of March 2010
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Thursday 4th of March 2010
I plan to do some running speed work tomorrow.
The good news for the day is that by the middle of next week the weather here will be up above 0 so I can do some cycling!
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Wednesday 3rd of March 2010
Got up at 5:20am this morning and went cycling! was quite cold at -2c but was a beautiful morning. Sun came up over the water as I was cycling...ahhh I know. Anyway...back to business. Did just over 53k in around 1 hour 50. Not fast but there was some wind an some hill work. I did enjoy it though and I can feel my legs. If the weather is good I will cycle back that way and add 100k to my cycling plan this week!
As I mentioned yesterday I have now parted with cash and am waiting for my new bike so I now have to make sure I am going to get quicker and not be the slow fat guy on a "nice bike"!!
Woo hoo feels great to finally get back on the road...bad news is that for the rest of this week its going to dip to -10c at night......:(
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Tuesday 2nd of March 2010
Monday, 1 March 2010
Monday 1st of March 2010
Up really early this morning. Cycled to work and was ready to run by 6:30am. Set out with Jan (my running buddy and swim coach). Started off with slight rain and quite cold and by 9k we were running on snow again with snow coming down is sheets! damn this winter weather!! Anyway, we had a good run and did 24k. 21k was done in around 1:40ish so again not too bad.
The really good news is that my wife has given the thumbs up to the bike so I will be looking into that this morning! woo hoo
Friday, 26 February 2010
Friday 26th of Feb 2010
Had a quick half hour swim. Did some speed work and then the pool just got too full.
Home for a quick coffe and then on my bike to work. 10k run at lunch at pace 5min per k. Legs needs to just have a strech out after yesterday. They feel tired!
I am trying very hard to convince my wife that I need to fork out some serious cash for a Planet X TT bike :) fingers crossed!
Will cycle home, chill this evening and try to do 1 or 2 hours on the turbo trainer tomorrow and maybe a swim Sunday!
Have a good weekend.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Thursday 25th of Feb 2010
Cycled to work in -2 which was a treat compared to the -5 of the last few days. Got to work, changed and met up with my two running buddies. None of us were feeling great but we set off anyway. Two small water bottles and 3 energy gels on my belt..off we go. Ok so after 10 steps my left calf muscle is hurtiing, one mates heart rate is up to 170 and the other feels like hell, nice start! It sleated the whole way and after 18k one of my mates was in real trouble so I hung back with him. We met another mate coming the other way who joined us and so 2 went off faster and we just jogged along at around 5 min pace. My mate really had a hard run so I was just pleased to see him finish. We did it in under 2 hours so it was an ok pace from my point of view (5 min per K for 24k).
Now my legs feel like hell and I will not be running again before Monday...then ill do another 24k!
Will cycle home very gently this afternoon! May have a swim in the morning and Ill try to get a turbo trainer session in over the next day or two.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Wednesday 24th of Feb 2010
The weather may be on the up as far as temp goes so I hope that next week I may be able to head out for a long ride! fingers crossed.
Will update tomorrow am after 2nd half marathon of the week.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Tuesday 23rd of Feb 2010
Did an hour of spinning at lunch which was pretty intense! Will cycle home and then have an hour swim this evening. Was planning to do another half marathon in the morning but right now it seems like a bad idea..lets see.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Monday 22nd of Feb 2010

Friday, 19 February 2010
Friday 19th of Feb 2010
Up early, managed to slip and slide the car to the pool and do 1k. Then spent half an house clearing snow from the path outside our house (thats the law here). Cycled to work which was fun in the snow! a few hairy moments!
Ran 10k at work with an avg pace of 4:30 per k. Very happy with the pace but found it hard today. I think I am getting to a stage where I need a few days to rest a little and just let my body repair it self!
Will cycle home then out for a few beers tonight! got to train the liver too at some point!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Thursday 18th of Feb 2010
Tomorrow I plan to swim in the am, cycle to work and then do a speed session in running at lunch time! hermm..doesnt sound that tempting right now.
Found a company that I can get a full mono carbon TT frame delieverd for £400! do I do it???
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Wednesday 17th of Feb 2010
Cycled to work as usual and will do a v gentle 10k run today. Then cycle home. Back to blog a little later. Looking for Carbon bike frame from far east! lets see how I get on.
Update 12:01pm - Ok so I ran 10k at 5 min pace (just under) with a HR of 148. All good - BUT my legs are soooo tired. I am sure Monday was too much for me and I will have to bring down the pace for my half marathon Mondays! Had lunch but still feel hungry!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Tuesday 16th of Feb 2010
Will cycle home and then this evening will go swimming for an hour or so.
My legs are sooooo tired though.
More later
PS just found this:
Could be one for 2011 me thinks!
Monday, 15 February 2010
Monday 15th Of Feb 2010
This morning I was up at 5:30 again..very hard to drag my self up today though as I didnt have a great sleep. Cycled to work and then met one of the guys here and did another half marathon. Avg of 4:36 per k and a new PB of 1h:36m for the whole thing. Legs tired but mind very happy!
Have heard some really funny phrases recently from guys here:
"Pain is just weekness leaving the body"
"There is a fine line between stupi and cool"
My fave is when they say "We'll just take it nice and easy" with a smirk on the face which means were going to go flat out!